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AI Safety

A 12-week program that introduces you to the fundamentals of AI safety.

A collaboration between Tutke and AI Safety North


The AI Safety Fundamentals program is designed to make the space of AI alignment and AI governance more accessible. Since the field is new and there are no textbooks or widespread university courses, we are looking to supplement and fill this gap. We are offering two tracks: technical and governance.


In these programs, the participants get to engage with 8 weeks of learning followed by 4 weeks of project work. The participants will also be invited to talks by Siméon Campos (Research Entrepreneur at SaferAI) and Esben Kran (CEO of Apart Research).


The course is held simultaneously with 10 groups across the Nordic and Baltic countries. Individuals performing well during the course will get the opportunity to join an AI Safety research retreat after the course.


Questions? Send an email to


Applications close: Sunday September 10

Program duration: Weekly between September 19 to December 18

Retreat: 3-7 January


There will be weekly group sessions in Helsinki, Otaniemi (Espoo) and online.


Each week consists of curated readings and an exercise, which take ~4 hours to engage with combined. The weekly discussion session takes 1.5 hours.


The technical track will use an adapted version of the curriculum designed by Richard Ngo, restructured in the form of a textbook.


The governance track will use the curriculum designed by BlueDot Impact, which you can see here.

Frequently Asked Questions

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